Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Blueberries, Blackberries and Purpleberries

I love blackberries. My sister and her kids praise blueberries, but I vote for blackberries. And, really, they are purpleberries, but I’ll try not to make it a big deal.

I’m having a hard time right now. Lots of thoughts for writing and work, lots of to-do lists, lots of ahas! But, I’m distracted. I’ve been bitten by the P word again. Perfect. Trying to make everything “just so” before moving forward, before pitching an idea or pitching another piece. That reminds me of the phrase “like so” when someone’s trying to explain something. My brother and I had this conversation on the phone the other day – Years ago, at the Y in Simpsonville, the gym floor manager was showing my brother Sam and his friends all the equipment, but Sam was distracted because he kept saying “like so”. I can imagine the smartbutt bubbles over Sam’s head, probably something like “this guy’s a rat on a Cheeto”….

Obviously, I have a hard time focusing in the afternoon.
Give me morning anytime, but the afternoon is for blueberry people!

So to get unstuck today, I read Julia Cameron’s The Right to Write while drying my hair. On page 103, Cameron describes writer friends giving her the advice to post a sign by her desk reading: “OK, Universe. You take care of the quality, I’ll take care of the quantity.” Another excuse to use a Post-It. Another reminder that it’s not all about me. Another reminder of a dear mentor who tells me regularly that her work is spiritual – like a channel. Don’t force it,
let it flow.

Maybe the point is to accept that I’m distracted in the afternoon and should probably take that necessary nap, accept that a rat on a Cheeto is inevitable, accept that Little Ellie and Big Boy Harris love blueberries and not purpleberries, accept that I have to remind myself to ease up on myself, my work, my ideas. Accept that I’ll never have my own perfect flow.

Just be sometimes.

Be authentic with yourself and others.

Prioritize self care.
Listen to your inner voice.
Live with intention.
From: http://womansoul.com/aboutrebecca.html

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