Thursday, February 12, 2009

Love Your Belly, Trust Your Gut

Have you ever been in a situation where you feel a funny feeling deep in your gut, but because it's such a bummer, you ignore it? You go with the crowd, or with whom you think is your crowd, you stuff away that nagging feeling that's trying to guide you. Then, the inevitable bummer happens. And, all along, your gut was right. Your belly was trying to tell you the truth from the beginning? How can you learn to stand your ground, to stay firm in your truth, to stay planted in your peace?

Or, what happens when change happens? What happens when that bummer or disappointment sprouts, takes you for a wild ride and drops you off dizzy and grasping for air? What happens when the dance is something you haven't learned, what happens when you are forced to soak up a different perspective? How do you stand your ground in change? How do you stay true to yourself through change? How do you hope for peace in change?

To stay grounded, to stay true, to embrace peace within yourself and your surroundings are all things that movement and/or being-in-your-body can teach you. Through a variety of breathwork, yoga- and Pilates-inspired movement, and gentle guidance within a safe environment, you can learn to stay grounded through change, through the dance of life.

How so? Come to my free workshop this Sunday. See details below. And, stay tuned for more workshop/group movement experiences!
Dance, when you're broken open. Dance, if you've torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance, when you're perfectly free. ~ Rumi

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