Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dr. Spock was right....

I bought this quotable magnet for my husband earlier this year and put it in his bathroom.  Then, we had a baby.

He quickly decided the magnet was due to hang in my bathroom for my eyes to see, on my mirror no less so I can see it multiple times a day.  (this was when I was seeing multiple lactation consultants to help with nipple pain to no avail.  we finally decided I already had all the tips and tools...my baby and I had to keep practicing our dance, and we finally found our own rhythm for feeding and comforting.  and, no more nipple pain!)

If you're on the journey of listening to your body, tossing out your diet books and unhealthy body behaviors, it can be hard to trust yourself.  It can be hard to let go of the rigid rules and to truly allow your insides to guide you.  I know this because I practice it, and I teach it.  And, like I said, then I had a baby who reinforces this practice of nourishment and comfort and love over and over.  (yes, it's a practice!)

I LOVE helpful books and therapists, and gurus and mentors, and IBCLCs and pediatricians, and baby whisperers and all the Dr. Spocks in the world.  When choosing wisely with careful consideration and research, they can all be solid guides.  But, I'm finding that sometimes the most important voice I've got is my own.  To trust myself.  To listen to my body to guide me to my healthiest, fittest self; to listen to my baby to figure out what he needs, so he learns to trust on a very basic but important level.

This intuitive approach to connecting with our bodies, ourselves and others isn't always easy, AND it might not be the most popular approach in Western culture; but I believe it's the most authentic way to a rich, intimate experience of living and loving.  Cheers, Dr. Spock!

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