Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fat Talk Free Week (and what do you really feel?)

I just received a Facebook message that reads:

October 13, 2008
Fat Talk Free Week
NEDA has partnered with the National Organization for Women (NOW), the Academy for Eating Disorders (AED), Seventeen magazine, and the Oxford University Press to promote the five day Fat Talk Free Week Promise. There are many ways to get involved. Find out how by clicking here:

In a nutshell, steer clear of "fat talk" this week - in it's place do something aiming for a positive body image. I'm all for it!

But, I'll add something you can do for yourself:

Steer clear of "fat talk", and in its place, practice "feeling talk". If you have the urge to "feel fat" but realize it's a no-no this week, practice tuning into what that "feeling fat" is really telling you. Some examples:

"I feel fat" could really mean:
"I feel too big, too much, too sensitive, too emotional, too smart, too dumb, too average, too bossy, too quiet, too stressed, too anxious, too tired, too MAD, too sad," and the list goes on...

Grab your journal, and when an "I feel fat" thought pops up, dig deeper. Write about what's happening in your life, write what stresses you, write what floats around in your head, write about the guilt you carry, write the burdens you're bearing, write about the decision you're trying to make, write about your roommate/partner/friend/colleague who drives you bonkers, write your deepest desires and fears.

If you get stuck, write about anything that comes to mind. Let it flow. And, if it becomes too much to handle on your own, open yourself up to a professional who is very familiar with the "fat talk", someone who can help you sift through to the richer stuff.

Give yourself the gift of freedom from fat talk. Get to the root of it, see what's behind "fat".

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