Tuesday, May 27, 2008

In Your Body

Someone approached me recently and said she's confused about exercise and eating right, and trying to get fit, and struggling with all the different fitness and food routes. And, while the word "balance" seems to have become as cliche as "functional-fusion-fitness" and "organic" and "namaste", my main answer to her = Balance.

Balance your physical energy, balance your food/fuel energy, balance your daily chores/activities/musts/shoulds. Not too much, not too little. Not stuffed, not starved. Not Speedy Gonzalez, not Procrastinating Patty. Strive to feel satisfied while giving and receiving. I know it can be so challenging to balance one's life perfectly (even balance your idea of balance!), but practice tuning into your unique needs, wants, duties and wishes. From the two most common subjects I deal with on a daily basis as a mind/body trainer and on a personal basis, here's my take on physical exertion and daily diet.

Balancing Physical Exertion and Fitness
Strive to be in your body, strive to let your overall energy levels meet your physical body in a balanced approach. The four keys to physical balance:

*strengthening exercises (strong, functional, grounded, powerful)
*cardiovascular drills/training (lightness, freedom, flowing energy, meditative, stress releasing)
*stretching (meeting your limits, honoring your muscles' work)
*rest (taking care, letting go, receiving)

Food as Fuel - Your Daily Diet
Regardless of your food choices (vegan, vegetarian, lactose/gluten intolerant, etc.), you are responsible for choosing wisely and respectfully fueling your body. If you know dairy causes stomach problems, be sure to get creative with your calcium. If you don't dig spinach, find another source of folic acid. However, while vitamins and nutrients ring high on the nutrition list, more people struggle with balancing hunger/fullness and emotional eating. If you can tune into your body's signals, it's likely you'll seek a balanced diet from true hunger. But, again, those hunger signals are sometimes ignored or abused.

Back to the basics of balance. Through my personal and professional work, I find again and again that when people are satisfied, less stressed, fulfilled, creative, and hopeful, the emotional eating issues lessen, and diet dramas subside. This balanced internal feeling leads to smart meal choices and timing, which leads to energy, which leads to vibrant, fit bodies.

I wish I had the magic answer for everyone to have that optimal life balance - however, I believe that if you at least aim for that balance, aim for your own happiness (no one else's expectations of your happiness), aim to respect your limits and honor your talents, little trinkets of opportunity will come your way to smooth your path for a pleasant journey.

You might be scratching your head saying, "How does this all go back to food/diet/fuel?" It's like the "what comes in must go out" way of thinking. Fuel yourself with respect (in your thoughts and your actions), and you'll be able to give back - to your self, to your body, to others. You'll have the energy to learn more, to grow more, to ask the questions and make the decisions to aim for that optimal life balance!

Think about this perspective to improve your own mind-body perspective, then if you have specific movement training or nutrition questions, shoot me an email. If I can't help you, I'll send you directly to another source who can! carolineflow@gmail.com

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