Monday, October 06, 2008

Candy Corn!

I've been eyeing bags of Halloween candy. Candy Corn. Those little yellow, orange and white corn-shaped things that remind me of scary wax teeth. And, of course, they taste best in October, close to Halloween, to memories of my brother in his black cape with vampire-ish wax teeth, to fairy and witch costumes smelling of fresh plastic from Walmart, to plastic tubes of face paint, to orange construction paper, to cooler weather and hayrides (the pine needles stuffed in the back of the trucks never cushioned my butt enough from the fields of potholes).

Back to the Candy Corn. The yearning for a few handfuls of the hardened sugar, corn syrup, honey (and who knows what else) challenges me when I make a quick run to CVS or Target for conditioner or other girly goodies. I know I could eat the whole bag! While there's NOTHING wrong with treating myself to Halloween candy, I recognize a different craving. Not just for the sugar. Deeper than that.

Like you, I am human. I have a slew of cravings. Though sometimes I wish I could be, I am not Wonder Woman!

Initially, when I have a craving, I might think something like, "shoot, have I been too strict lately? Is that why I want a whole darn bag of candy corn?" But, then, I'll remember a recent event like Saturday night when my boyfriend and I went to Baskin Robbins after the hockey game. No, I am not restricting. This candy corn deal is not about the food.

What do I truly want? Part of me knows the answers. Part of me knows when to sit down and write about what I crave in life.

Here's an example of what could be on my list:
Crave comfort? Nap or curl up with my cat - cut out the extra granola bar!
Crave something spicy or intense? Read a thriller, run or take an interval class - avoid pulling a Samantha in SATC-The Movie with her chips and guac!
Crave ewwey-goowey-mushy? Take a snooze, give myself a break, write in my journal - don't make brownies solely for the batter!
Craving equisite flourless chocolate cake? Write down my goals, my vision, my once far-fetched dreams - remind myself of rich business and personal possibilities.

Continue with your own list. If you're craving food or drugs or alcohol or a shopping binge or even a relationship in an unhealthy way, tune into how that crash-and-burn might feed you (before you do it!). See how those cravings nourish you. Think about it. Better yet, write about it, or draw what comes up when you think about that excitement or comfort.

Then, once you have your list of all your dreams and life cravings, keep them in mind everyday. It's very exciting and motivating! You can see how food cravings are deeper cravings! But, you know the saying, Rome wasn't built in a day. And, life is not a race. Sure, we can have dreams and big exciting goals! We can push, we can market our businesses, we can network, we can sign up for dating services to increase our odds of meeting that perfect specimen of a mate (j/k!).

But, part of life is to be peaceful in the everyday (the simple meals on Tuesday nights and Atlanta traffic jams). Just because the abundance we desire (the career, the flourless cake) is not at our doorsteps 24/7, it comes (and, sorry, but sometimes it goes). And, even when piles of security are at our feet, will we still want more? What about the unknowns and not-yet-happenings about other things? What if sometimes there are no fillers? What if we don't always have the answers to the cravings? What if we must learn to be peaceful with what is?

I wish for us all to honor all of our cravings. Practice tuning into your dreams, your daily comforts, your flexibility and courage to reach out. Give yourself the gift of truly listening and giving yourself what you need - or asking for it.

And, finally - Halloween's on Friday this year - Go to a crazy party, dress up, and have a few pieces of fun candy this month!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.