Saturday, October 04, 2008

Wiggle More, Write More!

Okay, I've been reading about writing (Julia Cameron, NYTimes "writers on writing" articles), thinking about writing (I could have written that chick lit book), flirting with writing exercises from a two-month old Oprah magazine (three drafts of the same three paragraphs in past simple, present and present perfect tenses). Whoa! Enough already. Enough reading, thinking, flirting. Enough "will it be good enough?"!

Just because I'm a movement/fitness trainer doesn't mean I'm sticking to exercise/get-in-your-body tips - even though I still think both are uber importante! Nearly everyday, I tap into Jane Green's blog. She's a famous chick lit writer who I adore, yet her blog subjects range from venison stew, to jewelry, to her overstuffed fridge, to Sarah Palin's "rumored" lipliner tattoo (okay, check it out for yourself: - scroll down to the Oct 2 entry). I can't remember the last time I found a Jane Green blog entry about writing tips. Thank you, Jane Green, for inspiring me to write what I want!

We all need a little wiggle room to vary from the same subject, the same exercise routine, the same dinner date restaurant (although it's sure nice when we can walk up the hill to R. Thomas and El Azteca!). Cheers to giving ourselves room to grow, room to stretch, room to dare, room to try something different.

While I can't promise a post everyday (I'm steering clear of perfection and absolutes!), I am committing to writing more. Thank you for reading!

Cheers to October!

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