Thursday, December 18, 2008

Root and Cleanse Breathwork

How are you doing? Have you truly checked in lately? Or, have you been dashing full speed ahead, feeling a little frantic trying to finish all your holiday and end-of-the-year lists? Well, unfortunately, I'd say I've been a bit of a frantic dasher lately (at least in my mind).

I love the holiday season, it has been truly merry, but I'm starting to feel some side effects: A little headache here and there, a craving for chocolate (everyday - which means I really need rest/balance, not more holiday desserts), and a very messy desk with duplicate to-do/to-buy lists!

I mentioned my computer virus in my last blog, and what a job it's been to regroup and get organized again - so I'll blame my disarray on that nasty virus. But, however I can blame the messiness, I still feel behind, and I feel the Not-Good-Enough Devil poking up her ugly head. Are you familiar with her voice? It goes something like this:

*Your holiday cards are waiting to be signed, sealed and delivered!

*You have more parties and commitments!

*You haven't finished your gift shopping and wrapping!

*Don't forget to analyze and organize your finances before the new year!

*You need to vacuum!

*You need to fold your laundry more than 2x/month! (haha)

*You need to give yourself some down time!

*You need to give your kitty more attention!

*You need a bubble bath, but watch how much water you use!

*You need to go treat yourself to a new class to learn and enjoy!

*You need to finish your Vision Board for 2009!

AHHH! Yikes. Some of the voices have good intentions, but sometimes it's so much! Again, it's that "Not-Good-Enough" pressure that gets me everytime. So, I have to remind myself that it will get done. The important things will meet their deadlines - so what if my holiday cards arrive in mailboxes three weeks later than anticipated.

Overall, I can keep things in perspective when those nagging voices arise, but just like you, I have to work on balancing myself and centering myself. Here's a simple piece of breathwork you can use to ground yourself. Although this is best done either sitting in Easy Pose (sensing your sitting bones rooted to the Earth) or standing on both feet hip-width apart (sensing all four corners of your feet rooted into the Earth), you can also do this while eating, driving, waiting in line, etc.

Take a few moments to close your eyes, breathe deeply, and imagine being rooted to the Earth. Think about the abundance and sturdiness of the ground, the Earth. The water, the soil, the plants, the layers of the planet all supporting you and providing you support and sustenance.

Now, with each inhale, imagine drawing up a healing breath from the ground. Imagine the breath entering where you're sitting or standing, entering your body, traveling up your body, entering your limbs, your core, your veins, your blood, your skin, and all your cells. Imagine any sense of healing (physically, emotionally or spiritually) being drawn from our great Earth and entering your body, your spirit. Take the healing breath to any area of your body that needs it the most. Now, take the healing breath to any part of your Self that needs it the most.

When you exhale, imagine the breath traveling back down and out your body, back into the Earth, into the soil to be recycled, rejuvenated and birthed into something healthy and nourishing. Whatever you need to release, send it with your exhale. This might be a nagging thought or voice, it might be doubt/anger/guilt/worry/fear/addictions. Mindfully exhale the toxic parts of yourself that weigh you down. Release them with love. Release them and allow them to pass, to sleep, to renew, to change, to blossom into goodness on its own time.

Continue inhaling the Good. Let it cleanse you. Continue exhaling the Waste. As it exits, imagine more room for good, more room for renewal and growth and hope and light to enter your body with each breath.


As always, feel free to email me for more breathwork or other suggestions (, and I'm always happy to point you in the right direction. Happy Holidays!

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