Thursday, December 11, 2008

Fudgy Cornbread

I never claim to be a cook. Here I am trying to make cornbread. According to the directions, I was to use a 9x9 baking dish. Well, I have an 8x8 square dish and the heart-shaped dish above which varies in size all around, but I don't have a 9x9. I figured the heart would be a nice compromise. But, after the 27 minutes of required baking, it looked pretty on top, but it looked like pudding in the middle. Yikes.

So, we baked it a little longer, ate some crust off the top each time we opened the oven, baked it a little longer, kept wondering if we could swallow fudgy cornbread, baked it a little longer, and kept wondering if we should just slice off the top and eat the crust.

The cornbread kept rising. So did my hair. That's why included these pictures - the guys from my step class would have been horrified at the frizz. Oh well. The cornbread finally baked all the way through. Just a little doughy in the middle, but I figured those pieces would be microwaved the next day, and therefore, cooked more.

The Boyfriend and I feasted on spicy venison stew (so I kept pouring milk for my on-fire taste buds) and Bob's Red Mill ever-rising cornbread (geez, soooo good!). We were starving, and I definitely ate past my comfortable point. Whoopsy-Daisy!

Do you ever struggle with recognizing your satiety - finding that comfortable "satisfied - but not stuffed" level? It can be a challenge, especially if you've experienced many diet/binge periods. Many times, it requires balancing listening to your body and practicing some portion control. And, in the area of measurements and portions, I'm an advocate of flexibility. But, what a great idea to be educated and have a general idea of what your body needs and can manage to function properly in regards to nutrients and portions.

Do you ever struggle with becoming over-hungry - then eating too much at dinner because you feel famished? Do you remember to take portable, healthy snacks with you while you're living and being active?

While shopping for my niece and nephew at Borders this afternoon, I was browsing cookbooks since they were on sale, and I came upon Tosca Reno's "The Eat Clean Diet Cookbook". I've read about her books while browsing some fitness magazines - those that I usually walk away from buying as soon as I happen upon a ridiculous Hydroxycut ad. But, I was pleasantly surprised while browsing her books - clean, clear, up front, reasonable, manageable and nonrestrictive.

I believe we'll continue to see a move more and more toward healthy/clean/organic eating. And, while I am not talking about "dieting", I am talking about living. How can you function your best? How can you live through your days with your best energy? What changes do you need to make? And, how can you take care of yourself in healthy, supportive ways to get where you want to go?

Personally, I need to prepare myself better with snacks in the car so I'm not starving by the time I get home because by that time, I could eat a horse, a pig, a chicken and a cow all at once! Good thing, I've never had an appetite for my cat!

Seriously though, I tend to get hungrier sooner than I think, so even though I'm mobile and always pretty close to home, I think it's time for me to invest in new Tupperware, some Sunday chopping of veggies and packing snack bags, and possibly a new little cooler. Just a few more things to add to my 2010 wish-for-myself list.

It's been a long week after a weekend funeral, a computer virus that wiped out my system, and a growing-never-ending-December to-do list. But, I'll write more to encourage setting mindful intentions for the new year...I know it's coming up, but I'm happy to have this month to think about what I want/need for myself for next year. I hope you are too.

Feel free to write with any questions about Tosca Reno's book or any other questions/suggestions you might have. As always, I'm happy to answer questions, keep them confidential, and I'm always happy to refer readers to dieticians and therapists to help who might help you along your journey. ;)

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