Monday, March 16, 2009

Eat Pray Love's Elizabeth Gilbert Speaks on Creativity

If you've read Eat Pray Love, and if you feel like you have the ittiest, bittiest ounce of creativity, you'll enjoy this presentation by author Elizabeth Gilbert:

If you Google, you'll find an array of writing tips Elizabeth Gilbert has shelled out over the past couple years since her book has become so popular. I've posted some of those writing tips throughout my blog, but this video reminds you to trust your ability, walk through the fear.

Doesn't that apply to everything in life? Aren't we afraid of change, of newness, of taking a chance, of becoming BIG in whatever way we define BIG or successful for ourselves?

Some of us consider success or shining as becoming famous or well known for what you do, how you make your money, how you spend your day, how much you can produce.

But, I challenge you to be BIG in your own way. It might be measured by exposure, but it might also be measured by how true you are to your heart, your self.

What do you want for your self? How can you let your light shine? How would you define your own creativity? How might you take a chance to grow, to love, to move forward, to be grounded, to let go?

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