Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Economy Diet and Binge for money. And, food, love, hope, abundance, peace, rest, fun, joy, and more peace...

How are you feeling about "this economy"? I promise not to sear fear into you like some sources of media scream on a daily basis. But, I would like to touch on how fear of the economy can show up in our lives. Besides rumbles of anxiety because of job security, stress headaches over monthly budgeting, etc. - I believe the Diet Industry is chuckling a wee bit more on its way to the bank.

Here's the deal - I was reading an article in Redbook this morning - the July 2009 issue with Jada Pinkett Smith on the cover. I can't remember the specific article, and neither do I care to specify, but the gist of the article was "in this terrible economy, there's no better time to watch your diet and your waistline, since it's about the only thing you can control right now."

Excuse me? When life gets hard, just put all your energy and concern into controlling your weight, your body, and then you won't have a care, concern, worry, not to mention a feeling? Or, wait a minute, I just thumbed through the magazine to see how many insane diet ads I could fine, and Redbook gets a high five from me because their advertising is pretty solid - sans diet ads. Perhaps I should let this particular article qualify as supporting the Diet Mentality v. Diet Industry. Same thing and perhaps worse since the Diet Mentality is what drives us to eat (or not).

I believe that an economic downturn is like any other change or life cycle. Moving, job changes, getting married, getting divorced, illness, death, taxes - they're almost all inevitable. Consciously or subconsciously, falling for the bait of "if I can get to size x, then I will feel A-OK and totally in control", or to the other common extreme, "Forget it, my [economic] life/day is in shambles, I might as well eat until I'm too stuffed to move" are both slippery slopes to living fear-based living instead of present, faithful living.

So, let's back up and gain perspective. Before you plunge into another restrictive diet or numbing eating/exercise binge, breathe. Literally, inhale and exhale. Slow down. It's okay. You might not even realize you're testing the waters of the slippery slope of the Diet Mentality until you step back and ask why you want total control of your body - or perhaps why you would rather disconnect, stuff and resist feeling what you're stuffing down.

If you suspect you struggle with the Diet Mentality, find some quiet time, ask yourself why, and eventually ask for some support. Dig deeper than "I want to be a size x". Dig deeper than "I want to wear my high school jeans". Dig deeper than "I've been rejected too many times for anything good to really happen".

Whatever change is happening in your life, whether it makes you smile, whether it makes you weep, take it day by day. Slow down a little. Practice tuning into your body. If you're stomach is growling, eat something satisfying and nourishing. If you're heart hurts, find a non-food way of comforting yourself. If you feel a buzz of energy inside, get out and move!

Use this recession as a way to get back to the basics and practice finding joy and balance from within - in your body, in your heart, and in your relationships.

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