Tuesday, February 02, 2010

More loving, Less competing

(Wouldn't it be great if corporate meetings allowed employees to chill out in prayer pose? Off the mat, into the work-and-that-thing-called-life world...)

On Saturday morning, I took a yoga class and was handed a lovely reminder of being kind to oneself. We were moving into plow pose, adjusting our hips, relaxing tension, lengthening our spines. Then, the longer we held the pose, some scary grunts and groans sounded here and there throughout the room. Our teacher said, "Wait a minute, remember today's lesson in ahimsa - non-harming? This shouldn't hurt. Don't push or strain - be gentle with yourself."

You could feel the room relax and let go. We all stayed in plow, but the energy softened. Still full and very warm but more loving, less competing.

I love the lesson in non-harming. You can take it anywhere. Whether you're in a mat-to-mat-packed yoga class, driving in Atlanta traffic, trying to cross off your lengthy to-do list, dieting in a strict way, spending in a frivolous way, or expecting too much of yourself or someone else, it's a good reminder in being easier on yourself and others.

Sure, we can be fit as we want to be, we can make good grades, we can aim for a scorpion handstand, we can flourish in our job performance - we can accomplish the bucket list. Every once in a while, remember to do it all without harm. Set an intention, but be mindful, be gentle. And, for the heck of it, be nice. ;)

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