Sunday, August 31, 2008

Write, Move, Create, Connect

Oprah, "The Secret", the Power of Positive Thinking, etc. etc. etc. I'm sure you're familiar with the law-of-attraction movement. And, while I do advocate being mindful about what you want in your life, of being able to take a proactive role in making and receiving those dreams - I'm the skeptic to say to just because something icky happens doesn't mean you created it. You can relax! On the flip side, there will be many treasured surprises in life you could have never imagined. *Hooray* - so you do not have total control over everything. Hallelujah! The weight is lifted - now move on, let go, but practice imagining what you want!

Last year, after reading Eat Pray Love (if you're not familiar, Google it, you'll get familiar quickly and want to race to the bookstore for a copy!), on a daily basis for a few months, I began the writing prompt Elizabeth Gilbert suggests: a) What I really really really want. b) My happiest moment of everyday - to eventually see a pattern of what makes me truly happy. c) My daily mantra.

I also created a vision board not even knowing it's something "The Miracle" movement suggests - I just did it because it felt like a good way to gather images/thoughts of where I want to go. Mine's hanging in my bathroom - mostly a movement/yoga/peaceful board.

Things happened. Big things happened. I quit my sales job and opened my own business, I met my sweet boyfriend, and I've happened upon fabulous resources who knowingly and unknowingly provide me with direction, ideas, creativity, insight and wisdom. For a gal who didn't know if it was possible to support myself, to step into the unknown, to let go of my corporate dream's protective shell (that I thought shielded me and prepped me), this is big stuff!

Last August/September, from when I was wrapping up my last two weeks of my former position, then jumping to holiday season, and all the way to a year later, I've been blessed to train a variety of clients and lead some touching workshops. I love what I'm doing daily, and each time I get a little "stuck", I start my writing again. Writing and movement connect me to my heart, my desires, my direction, my truth. And, it's pretty strange, but each time I write what I really really really want - it happens.

I believe if we let our heart speak, if we let our heart lead us, we find our way, our truth, our flow. The answers are always present, sometimes it takes a bit to let them surface. You might need to write, dance, run, knit or even sleep to find that stillness of listening and knowing.

Sometimes, and most of the time with good intentions, many folks might jump in and tell you where you should go, how you should run your life, where you should go next - and they can all be great pieces of advice that could work. Take some, leave some, flip some, modify some. Ultimately, aim to find that sense of warmth and connection within yourself. That works.

To celebrate Labor Day, part of my mission is to create a new vision board, to continue opening myself up to my dreams: work, play, relationships, finances, family, vacation, learning, etc. I bought a 22x13 corkboard last night at Target before I met a friend at Cafe Intermezzo. Perhaps I'll take a picture and post it later!

Simple instructions for a Vision Board:

*Gather a poster board, rubber cement - or a corkboard with cute pushpens!
*Get comfy with a stack of magazines that speak to you.
*Cut out images/phrases/words/colors that make you feel good. No rhyme/reason required.
*Once you've gathered your clippings, arrange them to illustrate your dreams, your direction, your wonders, your needs, your biggest hopes!
*Hang in a place you'll easily see everyday.

Have fun - and Happy Labor Day.

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