Friday, October 24, 2008

Beauty: Powders, Polishes, Primping and Phthalates!

I saw America the Beautiful last night, and while media and fashion industry influences never cease to sicken me, my jaw continued to drop over and over. Regarding the film:

*Why would anyone with at least half a brain allow a 12-year old to become a "supermodel"? A baby!

*Why would anyone with at least half a brain a) choose to have her face peeled off for plastic surgery purposes, and b) neglect to confirm the surgeon is board certified in plastic surgery? Ludicrous!

*Why do cosmetic companies mark up their products 500%, then also include phthalates in their products that have proven to be allergens and linked to cancer? Yes, Revlon, thanks to this film, our eyes are on YOU to clean up your by cleaning up your products and your integrity. You support Breast Cancer Walks. Talking the talk, not walking the walk.

To find out if your products contain phthalates:

And, besides phthalates, the beauty industry lobbies to keep lead in lipstick (yes, Revlon, you again!):

Readers, this makes you feel happy and beautiful, right? I bet not! As you can tell, I am disgusted with the "beauty" industry as a whole. And, while I'm on this soapbox, I'll share a letter with you that I wrote to Yoga Journal magazine last night. See the next blog entitled:
Yoga Journal Flirts with Hydroxycut

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