Thursday, November 13, 2008

How Healthy is Your Walk?

Ever wonder if you walk properly? The New York Times recently published an article entitled "Learning How to Walk".

Like the Pilates theory, the experts in the article emphasize moving the body as a whole while walking to gently correct and enhance postural alignment:

Feet: parallel, weight evenly distributed through all four corners

Spine: gently lifted and lengthened

Abdominals: gently lifted and tucked (supports your lower back muscles)

Breath: Deep "belly" breathing, strong mindful exhales

Jaw/Neck: breathe through any tension that gathers in these areas, soften your jaw/neck

Body-as-a-Whole: Move your body as a unit, let each limb be a player, and, ultimately, aim for the movement and breath to initiate from your core

If your trunk, also known as your core muscles, is on the weaker side, it's important to seek the guidance of a qualified trainer to help you learn the correct exercises to strengthen you from your center. These qualified trainers or therapists might teach yoga, Pilates, Feldenkrais, or even the Franklin Method. Additionally, a gentle massage therapist can complement your alignment journey.

This time of year - just before it gets too cold - is perfect for a rejuvenating walk, especially in Atlanta when we're relieved for crisp v. humid air! Enjoy this natural, therapeutic, gentle form of movement - go solo or take a friend - Happy, healthy walking!

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