Friday, April 24, 2009

Inner Movement Mama

I'm sure you've heard the term "your inner parent" - the adult part of yourself that should ultimately take care of you, all of your feelings, all of your moods, all of your responsibilities. That's a BIG job, especially when feelings span from one end of the rainbow to the other and to-do lists seem to never ease. But, she is always there ready for your requests.

Since I'm a personal movement trainer, here's where I coin the phrase "Inner Movement Mama". Might sound a little silly, but take a few moments to think what that could mean, how it could help you.

Do you often battle with body image? Do you have guilt on the days you don't exercise? Do you wonder what days you should incorporate weight training? Do you feel anxious that you're not stretching enough? Do you wonder how much cardio you should squeeze into your week? Do you ever purge through exercise or otherwise? Do you struggle with any sort of emotional eating? Do you have a solid sense of listening to your body? Do you know the wonders and satisfaction and peace of deep breathing? Do you stay on track only to fall off after a too-strict two weeks? Do you turn to Shape/Fitness/Oxygen/Cosmopolitan/People magazines to read about the latest diet fads? Do you stare at the newest diets wondering when in the heck you'll get used to those bland tasting foods (and how in the world you won't faint from such low calories)?

Does my list of question after question above sound a bit like the tape in your head that never stops spinning when you are trying your absolute best to eat and exercise "right"?

I understand. I truly understand. And, since I've done a lot of my own work (*Oh, and I still am along with everyone else...), I've discovered a way to help me tune into my body. There are days I feel my bones and muscles and cells and spirit talking to me. I know exactly what I need. Maybe a heart-pumping step class. Maybe some flow yoga. Maybe to push and pull some dumbbells and resistance bands. Maybe rest.

And then, there are days I am stressed or anxious or exhausted. You know what I mean. Those are the days I feel like the 4-year-old girl who wants comfort, no worries, no taxes, no difficult situations! Yet, I know better than that. And, while I might be swarming with yuck feelings of anxiety, I also know that my mind knows what's best. I know that while my body might feel like stomping her feet, my mind knows how to collect some information about my physical state and lead me to where I need to go.

*Perhaps I've been teaching a lot of yoga to clients and haven't had a chance to get in some aerobic movment in a few days. While I'm feeling flexible and calm, I'm feeling a little low energy one afternoon, and my Inner Movement Mama comes in to say, "Take a long walk or a great class - it'll amp up your energy and mood once you get moving."

*Perhaps I've been subbing a lot of classes lately, and I need a break. But, it's sunny outside, and some old stuff comes up saying, "it's sunny, get some exercise". My Inner Movement Mama comes in and says, "open your door, smell the fresh air, get comfortable and grounded on your floor, breathe deeply, maybe take a nap."

*Perhaps I'm anxious with a very nervous stomach or indigestion. I'm having a hard time listening to my hunger/full signals so I maybe eat too much or not enough to sustain me through a long morning of work. My Inner Movement Mama comes in and says, "You've got hurt in your heart. Let me take care. You know you need to fuel yourself with just the right amount - You might not be able to detect hunger/full signals now, so take an objective point of view to what your body needs to thrive - give yourself a break from always having to tune into your signals 24/7. Your mind can take over here and there too. Feed yourself enough but not too much, and breathe." Hallelujah! Sometimes my common sense can actually do the work!

Next time you're a little confused about your next daily step to exercising or eating, talk to your Inner Movement Mama. I promise you she's wise and will always be there to pick you up when you fall.

Happy Weekend!

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